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Motivation August 19, 2024 Alternate Text

Maintaining motivation during a fat loss journey requires understanding and addressing common pitfalls. Recognizing these challenges and implementing positive solutions is crucial for sustained success.


Pitfalls to Avoid:

1. Unrealistic Expectations:

Expecting quick results can lead to frustration. Understand that sustainable fat loss takes time. What is accomplished in a mere 31 Days here is astonishing. The only thing that can ruin the best thing you have ever done for yourself is you having expected more. Each body has its own hurdles to jump, its own set of problems to undo. You can’t compare yourself to another persons results. Even if their life mirrors yours with having a desk job and poor sleep and the same age, starting at the same weight, there are countless things that are not the same. Lack of minerals, intensity of cortisol production, organ status, glandular function, hormonal repair, past surgeries or traumas.


2. Comparing Yourself to Others: 

Everyone's journey is unique. Comparing yourself to others can lead to discouragement. Focus on your own progress.


3. Extreme Diets:

Avoid fad diets based on things you could never do for 2 or 3 or 40 years. They can be unhealthy and are most definitely unsustainable in the long run. Can you see yourself having to inject a needle into your stomach for weight loss every single day for the rest of your life? Or take bogus thermogenic pills to “stimulate” your fat burning when it’s known to stress the liver and kidneys. You should only ever consider supplements that add what is depleted. Keep in mind, fat storage is due to systems not aligning. Proper nutrients affect the body chemistry. Fat loss is then a natural reaction within the body. Forcing a result with “fake” methods is damaging. You don’t get a headache from a lack of Advil as much as you don’t gain weight from a lack of Ozempic.


4. Overtraining:

Pushing your body too hard without adequate rest can lead to injuries and burnout. Balance your workouts with rest days. Our APEXFIT program does this to an art. Understanding which are good stresses, and which are bad stresses can be the difference between lengthening life and shortening life. One activates and produces reactions that has you improving, the other creates oxidative stresses and rusts you out from the inside, even though you’re putting in all the hard work. Timing and body chemistry are MASSIVELY important.


5. Neglecting Nutrition:

Exercise alone isn’t enough. Eating too little, too often and overtraining is a recipe for metabolic issues. Underactive Thyroid is a very common result. A balanced diet is crucial for fat loss. Avoid skipping meals or even a component of the meal, like fruit because it’s all for a purpose on APEX31.


6. Ignoring Mental Health:

Stress and emotional well-being significantly impact motivation. Incorporate stress-relief practices like meditation or hobbies you enjoy. Understanding what “ self love “ really is will change everything.


7. Lack of Variety:

Sticking to the same routine can lead to plateaus. Regularly update your workout (pick a different walking route, do a different yoga class, etc…) and meal plans to keep things effective and interesting. (Use the recipe book found in your step-by-step guide to spark new ideas.)


8.  All-or-Nothing Mindset:

Occasional slip-ups are not encouraged because they burn 3 days of a 31-day journey and your full potential wasn’t met, however it may poke out its ugly head for the rare few. Don’t let one slip up derail your entire plan. Get back on track and stay focused.


9. Missing Formulas or supplements:

These were designed for proper hormonal signalling in mind. Without them you will see drastically diminished results. They are the game changers. It’s like leading a very talented orchestra with no conductor, individually they’re all very good but until they’re pulled together, they can never become exponentially superior. What your body is missing is what it’s looking for.


You’re not just building a healthier body and a leaner body but you’re also building an abundance of respect for yourself and trust in yourself to be true to your word. That’s called self love. When you love yourself, you are genuinely happier than a time before you ever thought you loved yourself.


Happiness isn’t something you can buy or take. It’s created in the absence of distress or frustration, usually if not almost always, this distress stems from a sense of “not having control”.


This is why happiness can only be created from within, it’s never dependant on or found to come from another person. Chances are they don’t know what genuine happiness is either and are trying to figure it out.


The formula is, make loving promises to yourself and keep them, one day at a time, consistently. Without looking into the future and creating anxiety, just accomplish the “here right now”.  Also, dwelling on the past is a big waste of time, it no longer exists, and you are the only one keeping that life story alive. You move faster without baggage. “I’ve tried, and I failed at….” has no bearing on today. Once you string one successful accomplished day to the next one, you have the secret to happiness.

Is it fair to say that to get what you want you must make changes and eliminate the things that don’t work for you? The questions now are:  Can you identify what those changes are? What are the habits throughout your day that don’t work for you? What can you substitute in place of those that will work for you? How much work is it to make those changes in your mind at this moment and if I had to answer, I’d say it takes way too much. I’m not interested.


However, if you made the change and look back on it, you’d say it took almost nothing, we look too wide eyed at the big picture and get overwhelmed. When in fact, the baby steps are the power that get you there.


For example, if you don’t think you could spend an hour at the gym - Don’t. Go there spend five minutes doing any action and leave. Next time spend 10 minutes and there will come a threshold where you are enjoying what you’re doing to the point where you find that it’s a waste of time for you to go to the gym and not spend the time that you need to get everything you wanted - Done. Baby steps.


Other things, you may want to just jump right in. Like quitting coffee for the program. Whatever your mind is telling you is just not true when it says you need your coffee - you can do without your coffee. Thinking coffee is your energy or coffee is your lifeline… Nonsense. If something has that much of a hold on you, it’s governing you, you’re not governing it.


In conclusion, by addressing these pitfalls with the strategies provided by the APEX 31-Day Program, you not only build a healthier and leaner body but also cultivate respect and trust in yourself. This journey enhances your overall well-being, leading to genuine happiness and a sense of control over your life.

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