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Inflammation + Time March 20, 2022 Alternate Text

So maybe you know, maybe you don’t, but we will have clear for us, right now, what this combination is a recipe for. 

Have you ever heard of Oxidative Stress? Basically, in health terms, it’s the body’s version of rusting away from the inside out. It is the process whereby your body’s defence system, in this case inflammation, has been pushed past its helpful point and has now begun turning on itself. What was meant to be a short-term protective reaction known as acute inflammation, left unaddressed, has now turned into a different thing all together known as chronic and systemic inflammation. This is a shift that is, for lack of a shorter explication, KILLING you. 

Although inflammation on its own time, call it 3 or 4 hours, is in fact your body’s friend, having it ALL day EVERY day is the very reason you would now experience a whole host of issues. To start with, it is responsible for issues such as weight gain, accelerated aging, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, horrible sleep, need of medications, brain fog, and the list goes on. 

Want to put a dollar figure to it? Think about all the areas in your life where you needed to make adjustments because of chronic inflammation. Money spent on clothing because they don’t fit, mattress and pillows because your neck and back hurt so much you can’t sleep, apnea machine to help you breathe, medications, more comfortable shoes, failed diets, and more. Adding to this, unnecessary expenditures in the 10’s of thousands. 

How about other costs like the things you held back on because of self-esteem? Maybe the job you didn’t go for, parties you never attended, vacations you didn’t enjoy, shopping for clothes you’d love to wear, and other things of that nature? You can’t put a price on enjoyment and quality of life! 

Suffice it to say, inflammation on its own can’t hurt you. As well, time, on the surface, looks very much the same from one second to the next but when combined, inflammation over a prolonged time could be the recipe for disaster. 

OR maybe it doesn’t have to be. It could become something that is fully within your control. You don’t have to chalk up how you feel or how you appear to simply age. You can have all the influence you need over this pressing issue by simply affecting both the inflammation and its duration. 

It’s called the APEX31 Day Plan. 

It’s not a diet, it’s not a gimmick, it’s not a shake, a magic pill, or a trick. What is it? It’s an understanding of the human body and how its chemistry is affected by the foods we choose, and how they are meant to keep us alive and energized. Choose the wrong foods, you will get inflammation. Allow inflammation to persist (inflammation + time), pay the consequences. Consequences are ignored and linger; thus much bigger consequences follow. 

Having a way out and having it positivity affect every single aspect in your life is done over 31 days with APEX31. That’s all it takes. You cannot afford to waste another minute in oxidative stress, physically, financially, or mentally. It’s time to get back in the game!

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