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Healthy Lungs = Strong Immunity May 29, 2023 Alternate Text

Thoughts by Fadia Habib HOM, D.I.Hom., Certified Phytotherapist, First Line Therapy, Clinical Biochemical Analyst, Dark Field Live Blood Cell Analyst, Certified Authentic Essential Oil Specialist


Chief Wellness Officer, iHEALTHe® Wellness


To keep our bodies in optimum shape, our lung health is ESSENTIAL. Our lungs make up a large part of our immune system.

Remember, when living holistically, we are treating our health and bodies together as a whole, not in parts. To improve health, it is imperative to treat the underlying causes, not just symptoms because our body systems work off from each other. When one body member suffers, other members will feel it too.

Lungs are the vital organs of our body and the most active. In one day, a healthy person will breathe approximately 25,000 times. Common lung diseases and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and cystic fibrosis can be prevented and as well, healed. To help our lungs function smoothly and help in expulsion of toxins, we need to regularly detoxify our lungs.

We inhale Oxygen (which has anti-inflammatory effects and keeps our systems alkalised). We exhale CO2 which is a metabolic WASTE PRODUCT.  We are not meant to breathe back in CO2. If we do so when we, for example wear a mask, a whole host of health problems WILL arise. We compromise our lung health, which in turn, WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. 

That said, we need to consider our diet even more seriously. It is deeply important that we choose to eat healthy foods that are designed to clean our lungs. By doing this we will reduce gut inflammation that will smoothly and directly affect our lung function and immune system. In turn this will reduce systemic inflammation.

Here are 15 foods that will detoxify and naturally heal our lungs and improve our breathing:

  1. Ginger
  2. Garlic (and onions)
  3. Apples
  4. Green Tea
  5. Lentils
  6. Cruciferous vegetables (especially those that contain Sulforaphane Glucosinolate)
  7. Turmeric
  8. Grapefruit
  9. Pomegranates
  10. Chili peppers
  11. Red bell pepper and Cayenne (Capsicum) pepper
  12. Carrots
  13. Oranges
  14. Pumpkin
  15. Beans, seeds, and nuts

These foods contain nutrients that particularly assist in improving breathing conditions and help you to breathe better. These are not mucous-forming foods, which can clog up our lungs. By consuming less carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats, fresh and raw foods, we will have the necessary enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant protection.

Proper hydration is also very important to circulatory health. Without adequate WATER, dehydration sets in and will make it difficult for us to remove mucous. It will cause mucous to become thick and sticky. This leads to slowing down our respiration and will thus become more vulnerable to illness, allergies, and other respiratory problems. Water is most important to flushing out toxins and will keep our bodies clean. By drinking water, we help thin out the mucous lining of our airways and lungs.

Incorporate healthy hygiene for your lungs in addition to our healthy diet:

1. Quit smoking:

  • Do we need to elaborate on this?  This is an obvious one.

2. Avoid second-hand smoke:

  • Non-smokers must avoid this. Second-hand smoke is extremely toxic and will cause serious harm. Remember, what is exhaled is metabolic body waste. Coming from another person as well will be full of bacteria.

3. Limit exposure to pollutants:

  • Synthetic fragrances in laundry and cleaning products.
  • Synthetic air-fresheners (consider diffusing high-quality chemo-typed essential oils instead).
  • Contribute to a cleaner environment by walking or biking, whenever possible (plus it is great exercise for our lungs).
  • When building or renovating, consider going green or eco-friendly by using formaldehyde-free products and chemical-free paints, etc.

4. Improve your indoor air:

  • Get indoor plants such as ferns, spider plants, aloe vera, English ivy, bamboo palm, peace lily. Keep your plants dust-free and do not overwater. Consider using AlkaVie Solutions products for your plant health!
  • Avoid using aerosol sprays and minimize harsh chemical cleaners. Again, AlkaVie Solutions products clean contaminants without harming your health!
  • Use Himalayan Salt lamps in every room of your home. Your air quality will improve by producing negative ions. These ions help remove dust and pollution. They also help kill dust mites and cling to dust which makes filtration and clean up much easier.
  • Ensure you have good ventilation.

5. Daily deep breathing exercises:

  • Breathing properly will help oxygen reach the cells of our body. Regularly strengthen your lungs with deep breathing exercises. This will help clear out any built-up toxins in our lungs.

6. Regular exercise:

  • Cardiovascular exercises help make your muscles around your lungs become stronger.
  • Short bursts of exercise will help your lungs.
  • Dance, walk, bike ride a few days a week.
  • Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise for your lungs.


The iHEALTHe® Wellness, APEX31 Day Program addresses all of this. When you come onboard, you will always have all the tools at your fingertips. It takes only 31 days to reset your health and begin a journey of change and growth that lasts for a lifetime!

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